
Marie-Claire Mansard
A holiday with some precious and special memories
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Finca al-manzil is really special, something that is getting quite rare in Europe today. Besides the good feeling that the whole finca is run on ecological power and spring water pumped up from underground streams, it is also a place with attention to every little detail. It's not over done but one can just sink in to the atmosphere from the first moment. It's all unusual, wonderful decoration but practical and runs smoothly, just what we wanted for our Extremadura holiday. A huge thanks to Pippa and Manfred, we could not have had better hosts, so helpful but left us to enjoy the perfect tranquility of the cortijo and finca. Thanks!!!
William Marsden
We chose the cortijo at Finca al-manzil from a bewildering choice on the internet but it just stood out as the most beautiful house and landscape. We are experienced travellers and knew that there's always a risk choosing beauty over practicality. In this case there was a perfect balance. The house was even more atmospheric and charming than the photos and everything worked! It was hot as we expected in Extremadura, so our favourite place was by the pool, enjoying the views and dreaming.In the evening the house became our lovely retreat with its terraces and shady verandah, many happy memories of watching the sun going down with a glass of excellent wine from Extremadura and the equally excellent local jamon. We rarely return to a holiday house but in this case I think we will make an exception, thinking about dates in 2018....
Siobhan FitzGerald
We have just returned from a weeks stay at the finca. How I wish we had booked two! The house is stunning- inside and out. All the different areas to sit/eat/drink/stargaze and chat all around the property. We are a family with 4 kids (14 yrs up to 22) and they all loved it as much as we did. The pool,and surrounding rocks for a spot of climbing, a particular draw for them. We didn't make the walk to Montanchez as it was too hot to attempt , but I fell in love with the walk up the hill. A step back in time.
The house is fabulously equipped, especially for cooking and Pippa
and Manfred were kind enough to get us some provisions in as we arrived on a Sunday when all is shut.
I would not hesitate for a second to highly recommend this house, and although we make it a point not to return to the same house twice, I'm pretty sure we'll be bending the rules here, and soon too! Only been home a week and missing the place, and the animals, very much......thank you.
Veronica Dunmore
The Cortijo farmhouse is a wonderful place to stay. The accommodation is excellent, the situation glorious and the views magnificent. We had the most relaxing holiday ever. We had planned birdwatching trips but they all came to us as we lounged and read around the pool! Eagles, vultures, bee-eaters, golden oriole to name a few. Azure-winged magpies everywhere. The walk to Montanchez is delightful. There are spectacular Roman remains - almost complete amphitheatre and theatre - at Merida. Trujillo and Caceres are also fascinating to visit. I can't recommend this lovely farmhouse and its environs highly enough.
James Bromfeld
We spent a magical two weeks at the cortijo in June. From the moment we saw the magnificent backdrop of the sierra behind the cortijo we knew this was going to be a really special holiday. The cortijo has the atmosphere of a really beautiful home full of lovely objects and 1000s of books, a really impressive collection. We realized how carefully everything had been planned, a charming space for every part of the day in shade or sun. The pool was a dream and the roof terrace of one bedroom had stunning views of the mountain, a perfect place for me to watch the amazing variety of birdlife. Pippa and Manfred were helpful but never intrusive, we liked seeing them now and then just to hear the interesting stories about their life in Extremadura and beyond. We loved the house so much we are coming back next June. By the way Montanchez is a really quaint village famous for jamon, there's a great walk up to the village straight from the finca, many happy hours in the local bodegas.

The Cortijo at Finca al-manzil, happy memories!

finca al-manzil, Arroyomolinos, Caceres, 10170, Spain

Date of Stay

12 Jul 2017

Helpful votes: 1/0

One of the best holidays we have had for a long time. The cortijo is so special, we chose it because it looked so charming in a beautiful landscape but it was so much more than we expected, the views, the tranquility, the wonderful atmosphere of the house. We could hardly drag ourselves away from the cortijo and pool but did go on some memorable trips to the stunning historical towns and the national park of Monfrague to see the griffon vultures in the wild. The local markets and restaurants were great, fantastic value for money. We particularly enjoyed the outdoor restaurant in an olive grove near Montanchez and Restaurant Montanera with its lovely garden and great food. Pippa and Manfred gave us some good tips and we enjoyed the bike rides and horse rides arranged by Manfred, star horse was "Fatboy". Star walk was straight from the finca to Arroyomolinos and up the watermill gorge to Montanchez, spectacular! We loved it all and are plotting a return visit, maybe in the spring when the bird life and wild flowers are at their peak.

Der Cortijo bei Finca al-manzil, schöne Erinnerungen!

Finca Al-Manzil, Arroyomolinos, Caceres, 10170, Spanien

Datum des Aufenthalts

  1. Juli 2017

Hilfreiche Stimmen: 1/0

Einer der besten Ferien, die wir seit langem hatten. Das Cortijo ist so besonders, wir haben es gewählt, weil es so charmant in einer wunderschönen Landschaft aussah, aber es war so viel mehr als wir erwartet hatten, die Aussicht, die Ruhe, die wundervolle Atmosphäre des Hauses. Wir konnten uns kaum vom Cortijo und Pool zurückziehen, machten aber einige unvergessliche Ausflüge in die beeindruckenden historischen Städte und den Nationalpark von Monfrague, um die Gänsegeier in freier Wildbahn zu sehen. Die lokalen Märkte und Restaurants waren super, fantastisches Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Wir genossen besonders das Restaurant im Freien in einem Olivenhain in der Nähe von Montanchez und Restaurant Montanera mit seinem schönen Garten und gutes Essen. Pippa und Manfred gaben uns einige gute Tipps und wir genossen die von Manfred organisierten Radtouren und Ausritte, Starpferd war "Fatboy". Star Walk war direkt von der Finca nach Arroyomolinos und die Wassermühle Schlucht nach Montanchez, spektakulär! Wir haben alles geliebt und planen einen Gegenbesuch, vielleicht im Frühjahr, wenn das Vogelleben und die wilden Blumen ihren Höhepunkt erreichen.

Nicola C. said...

29 Sep 2017

A wonderful place tpo stay to explore Extremadura

finca al-manzil, Arroyomolinos, Caceres, 10170, Spain

Date of Stay

31 Aug 2017

Helpful votes: 0/0

Situated in a triangle of the three world heritage sites of Trujillo, Caceres and Merida, Finca al Manzil is the ideal place to explore this magnificent part of Spain from. The setting is fabulous, catching cool breezes, looking out over the plains and backed by the mountain. The Cortijo is spacious, airy and comfortable with lots of different places, both inside and out, to relax in. It is furnished with a mix of the practical and the idiosyncratic to create an unusual but functional, comfortable holiday home. A good library and the pool ensure that it is pleasant to spend time at the property. Pippa and Manfred make sure that you are looked after while also not being intrusive and ensuring a feeling of privacy. Montanchez is a delightful nearby village that is easy to walk to with a pretty square, restaurants and bars and a festival in early September that last nearly two weeks!

Nicola C. sagte ...

  1. September 2017

Ein wunderbarer Ort, um die Extremadura zu erkunden

Finca Al-Manzil, Arroyomolinos, Caceres, 10170, Spanien

Datum des Aufenthalts

  1. August 2017

Hilfreiche Stimmen: 0/0

In einem Dreieck der drei Welterbestätten Trujillo, Caceres und Merida gelegen, ist Finca al Manzil der ideale Ort, um diesen großartigen Teil Spaniens zu erkunden. Die Umgebung ist fabelhaft und fängt eine kühle Brise ein, mit Blick auf die Ebene und auf den Berg. Das Cortijo ist geräumig, luftig und komfortabel mit vielen verschiedenen Plätzen, sowohl drinnen als auch draußen, um sich zu entspannen. Es ist mit einer Mischung aus dem Praktischen und dem Idiosynkratischen eingerichtet, um ein ungewöhnliches, aber funktionelles, komfortables Ferienhaus zu schaffen. Eine gute Bibliothek und der Pool sorgen dafür, dass es angenehm ist, Zeit in der Unterkunft zu verbringen. Pippa und Manfred sorgen dafür, dass Sie umsorgt werden, ohne aufdringlich zu sein und ein Gefühl der Privatsphäre zu vermitteln. Montanchez ist ein entzückendes Dorf in der Nähe, zu dem man mit einem hübschen Platz, Restaurants und Bars und einem Festival, das fast zwei Wochen dauert, leicht zu Fuß gehen kann.

post-retro said...

23 Aug 2016

Finca al-manzil, a special place

finca al-manzil, Arroyomolinos, Caceres, 10170, Spain

Date of Stay

14 Jun 2016

Helpful votes: 5/1

A special place in a very interesting part of Spain. The finca is ideally situated right in the middle of the area with 3 world heritage towns, Merida, Caceres and Guadalupe. These kept me happy, marvellous architecture from Roman to the austerely impressive palaces built by returning conquistadors in the 16th century. My wife and children also enjoyed trips into the towns more for exploring the shopping and dining possibilities. At the end of our excursions we couldn't wait to get back to the finca, the tranquility after the bustle of the towns. The pool is very attractive set into a terrace of the mountain approached by a charming path and with great views. We stayed in the cortijo which was perfect for our group of 6. Plenty of space, furnished and decorated in a very personal idiosyncratic style which we understood when we met the owners Manfred and Pippa, great travellers, Pippa had worked on many interior design projects before creating the wonderful atmosphere at the finca. I am not a bird watcher but couldn't help being impressed by the beautiful birds, bee eaters, birds of prey, hoopoes, masses of magpies with blue wings and an eagle owl up in the crags above the finca. Loved the fact that the whole finca, both cortijo and other rental unit the barn were run entirely on solar power and the water was from a borehole, very pure.

post-retro sagte ...

  1. August 2016

Finca al-manzil, ein besonderer Ort

Finca Al-Manzil, Arroyomolinos, Caceres, 10170, Spanien

Datum des Aufenthalts

  1. Juni 2016

Hilfreiche Stimmen: 5/1

Ein besonderer Ort in einem sehr interessanten Teil von Spanien. Die Finca liegt ideal in der Mitte des Gebiets mit 3 Welterbestädten, Merida, Caceres und Guadalupe. Diese haben mich glücklich gemacht, wunderbare Architektur von römisch bis zu den streng imposanten Palästen, die von den zurückkehrenden Konquistadoren im 16. Jahrhundert gebaut wurden. Meine Frau und Kinder genossen auch Ausflüge in die Städte mehr für die Erkundung der Einkaufsmöglichkeiten und Restaurants. Am Ende unserer Ausflüge konnten wir es kaum erwarten, zur Finca zurückzukehren, der Ruhe nach dem Trubel der Städte. Der Pool ist sehr attraktiv in eine Terrasse des Berges durch einen charmanten Pfad und mit herrlicher Aussicht genähert. Wir waren in der Cortijo, die perfekt für unsere Gruppe von 6 war. Viel Platz, eingerichtet und dekoriert in einem sehr persönlichen idiosynkratischen Stil, den wir verstanden, als wir die Besitzer Manfred und Pippa, große Reisende trafen, hatte Pippa an vielen Innenarchitekturprojekten gearbeitet bevor Sie die wunderbare Atmosphäre auf der Finca schaffen. Ich bin kein Vogelbeobachter, aber ich konnte nicht anders, als mich von den schönen Vögeln, Bienenfressern, Raubvögeln, Wiedehopfe, Elstern mit blauen Flügeln und einem Uhu in den Felsen über der Finca beeindrucken zu lassen. Liebte die Tatsache, dass die gesamte Finca, sowohl Cortijo als auch andere Mieteinheit der Scheune, komplett mit Solarenergie betrieben wurde und das Wasser aus einem Bohrloch stammte, sehr rein.




  • Holiday rental- Cortijo- Finca al-manzil

    June 2021
    This property is absolutely marvelous. The location is stunning to enjoy peaceful and serene times in direct contact with the country and its beauty. The house decoration is rustic and welcoming, and we felt right at home during our stay. The kitchen is fully equipped with tools and utensils and the pool was very enjoyable. There is microwave, but we did not miss it at all. The host was reachable and nearby, which was also handy. The property was conveniently located just half an hour from Cáceres, the nearest city. What a wonderful stay! I can’t wait to come back in future trips to Spain. Thank you, Pippa!!

    — Carmen, 01 Sep 2022
  • Holiday rental- Cortijo- Finca al-manzil

    Traumhaus an wunderbarer Lage
    Wir sind begeistert von haus, menschen und Umgebung. Pippa hat uns sehr freundlich empfanen und die Gespräche mit Manfred (ihr Mann) waren sehr interessant und unterhaltsam. das Haus ist einfach nur schön, traumhaft und extrem stilvoll eingerichtet. Gerne haben wir uns darin, aber auch auf den Terassen aufgehalten. Wir würden sofort wieder dahin gehen. Wir waren noch nie an sooo einem ruhigen Ort in den Ferien. das einzige, was man zwischendurch hörte, waren der Esel oder ein paar Hunde, aber auch diese waren weit weg.
    8/5/2022 at 2:34 AM

    — Doris Furer, 01 Sep 2022
  • Holiday rental- Cortijo- Finca al-manzil

    Het uitzicht vanaf de veranda is gelukkig makend! Het huis was mooi, netjes en ruim. Aardige hosts. Heerlijk, netjes en mooi zwembad. Alleen de hangmat was kapot en ik miste twee extra wijnglazen en soepkommen toen de buren op bezoek kwamen, maar gelukkig hadden zij genoeg :-) Bedankt Pippa en Manfred!

    — Marieke , 10 Jul 2022
  • Holiday rental- Cortijo- Finca al-manzil

    Pippa's place is perfect for those seeking tranquility and rest. No noise, no traffic, just the sound of the birds, sun shining through the trees and starry skies at night. The barn itself is very stylish, modern without being stark or cold. Pippa and her husband were wonderful hosts, very welcoming and quick to respond for anything I needed.
    Have booked another stay already!

    — David, 15 Jun 2022
  • Holiday rental -Barn- Finca al-manzil

    Fantastic spot with wild, rocky mountain backdrop. We woke to serenading golden orioles, bee-eaters and hoopoes each morning.
    Airy, spacious and well equipped barn. Our meals enjoyed on the sunny terrace.
    A lovely pool just a short walk away. Good (new) WiFi signal.
    Numerous country walks on the doorstep, aided by Pippa's helpful advice.
    One of the resident dogs has 'issues' with visiting small, female dogs - be cautious.
    Supplies available in Montanchez, a strenuous but glorious uphill walk away, or take the car!

    — Julie, 01 May 2022
  • Holiday rental -Barn- Finca al-manzil

    A splendid house in the middle of the equally splendid extreme dehesa, with a well-stocked library (especially art, travel and literature), very evocative paintings, objects here and there, as well as select furniture that speaks to the good taste of Pippa and Manfred, its owners. Not to mention the unique architecture of the farmhouse, traditional but with elements of various and avant-garde cultures, a fireplace that really heats up, a pool among delicious trees, although now it has only been to look, good condition (to highlight solar energy and noble materials) and a lot of comfort. To top it all off, there's nothing missing in their closets, shelves, and drawers. Separate chapter deserves the donkey and horse of the estate, the many toads that we crossed along the way, the garden that came to us and the idyllic path that leads to Montánchez village. Luxury, all in all
    Una casa espléndida en medio de la igualmente espléndida dehesa extremeña, con una bien nutrida biblioteca (sobre todo, arte, viajes y literatura), muy evocadores cuadros, objetos de aquí y de allá, así como selectos muebles que hablan del buen gusto de Pippa y Manfred, sus propietarios. Sin olvidar la singular arquitectura del cortijo, tradicional pero con elementos de culturas varias y vanguardia, una chimenea de las que calientan de verdad, una piscina entre árboles deliciosa, aunque ahora solo haya sido para mirar, buen acondicionamiento (a destacar la energía solar y los materiales nobles) y mucha comodidad. Para colmo, no falta de nada en sus armarios, estantes y cajones. Capítulo aparte merecen el burro y el caballo de la finca, los muchos sapos que nos cruzamos por el camino, la garduña que nos salió al paso y el idílico camino que lleva a Montánchez pueblo. Un lujo, en definitiva

    — Ángeles, 01 Jan 2022
  • Holiday rental- Cortijo- Finca al-manzil

    Lovely house, stunning location.
    5/5 Stayed Apr 2019
    Gordon P.
    The house is lovely. Comfortable and well equipped. An extraordinary range and number of books for a rental house. If you're interested in art and literature and travel and cookery you may not want to go out.

    Wonderful view from the balcony. Hoopoes and bee-eaters and wild flowers everywhere. A naturalist's paradise. Montanchez is a 50 minute walk if you aren't distracted by the landscape and the wildlife. In easy reach of Trujillo, Caceres and Merida. The Roman museum in Merida is extraordinary.

    Pippa and Manfred were very helpful and fully respected our privacy. Highly recommended.

    — gordon, 18 Oct 2019
  • Holiday rental- Cortijo- Finca al-manzil

    Relaxing, well designed house
    5/5 Stayed Oct 2017
    Julia P.
    We loved the well designed house with a touch of Arabic style. There were so many nice areas to relax in and enjoy the peace and tranquility. We especially enjoyed cooking in the well equipped kitchen and eating outside on the terrace. The pool was great to cool down in after a day hiking in the beautiful surrounding countryside or after a trip to historic Medieval towns like Trejillo only a short car journey away.

    We were sometimes greeted on our way out of the gate at the finca by the owner's friendly dogs who never seemed to bark at night. A lovely cat used to join us at times when we were relaxing on one of the terraces in the evening watching the sun go down.

    We very much enjoyed our stay at Finca al-manzil and hope to return.

    — Julia, 18 Oct 2019
  • Holiday rental- Cortijo- Finca al-manzil

    Magical setting in wooded finca, very special
    5/5 Stayed Sep 2018
    Miranda R.
    We were thrilled to stay at this wonderful place, even better than the photos. It has a very special atmosphere of relaxed country living with comfort and tons of charm. It felt like home with everything we could possibly need. Pippa was a great help with suggesting interesting trips and good restaurants in the area. We felt 100% relaxed when we left after the wonderful walks and swimming in the stunning pool. Definitely recommend a stay here to re-charge and luxuriate in the tranquility of the lovely nature.

    — miranda, 18 Oct 2019
  • Holiday rental- Cortijo- Finca al-manzil

    Lovely house with peaceful ambiance and views across Extremadura landscape
    5/5 Stayed Oct 2018
    Annie H.
    Finca al Manzil is a unique and characterful place- set in beautiful surroundings, peaceful ambiance, comfortable and well equipped (great library, solar power hot water, good kitchen). Pool good and brilliant wood fire! Lovely walks from the house - olive and fig trees as far as the eye can see. We had a wonderful few days and would be very happy to return.

    — Annie, 18 Oct 2019
  • Holiday rental -Barn- Finca al-manzil

    A stylish, rustic holiday home in an idyllic location.
    4/5 Stayed Aug 2018
    Vicky W.
    We've just returned from a lovely stay in this fantastic area of Spain. The barn is a very relaxing place to stay with plenty of outdoor areas to enjoy at different times of the day and night. We actually never used the living area, as we spent ALL our time enjoying alfresco living, including watching shooting stars. The owner is friendly, but respects your privacy which was greatly appreciated.

    The barn is in a great location to explore the historic towns of Caceres, Merida and Trujillo. We also loved seeing the storks, eagles and vultures in Monfrague National Park. For Game of Thrones fans and nature lovers Los Barruecos is well worth a visit.

    — vicky, 18 Oct 2019
  • Holiday rental -Barn- Finca al-manzil

    We absolutely loved the barn!
    5/5 Stayed Mar 2019
    barbara s.
    The barn is really beautifully designed for two with masses of airy space inside and a lovely covered porch where we spent a lot of time watching the birds in the meadow and in the copse of old holm oaks. Really comfortable and stylish with good quality furnishings and design features, two amazing old harrows hanging on the wall, very impressive. Besides lounging around the finca we explored the super scenery and visited all the historical towns within 30 minutes drive. Had some memorable food and wine and met some super friendly people. We have booked already for next spring.

    — Barbara, 18 Oct 2019
  • Holiday rental -Barn- Finca al-manzil

    So glad we found this special place
    5/5 Stayed Mar 2019
    benjamin m.
    We had a superb week at the barn. The weather was amazing for March with all the wild flowers looking beautiful. Our main aim was to enjoy nature by walking in the sierra straight from the barn, we did this nearly everyday except for a trip to Trujillo, a charming town with fantastic conquistador architecture and several excellent restaurants. Lovely peaceful week , all ready to face the Brixit nonsene at home. We will definitely stay longer next time.

    — Benjamin, 18 Oct 2019
  • Holiday rental -Barn- Finca al-manzil

    Superb location.
    5/5 Stayed Apr 2019
    Andrew H.
    The Barn is set in an ideal location offering wonderful views, peace and quiet and is a great base for walking, birdwatching and sightseeing.

    Sitting out on the terrace was a wonderful way to start and end your day, enjoying the peace and solitude.

    — Andrew, 18 Oct 2019
  • Holiday rental -Barn- Finca al-manzil

    This barn is perfect for couples who love trekking and nature. Every little village has one or two well marked ‘sendero’s’ so you can walk here for weeks.
    So around the barn it’s only nature and inside it is REALLY stylish. The kitchen is well equiped and after a day of walking there is no reason to visit a restaurant. We were very happy to stay ‘at home’ every night.
    Manfred and Pippa are very kind hosts and we hope to see them in spring next year!

    — Hester, 01 May 2018


A taste of Finca al-manzil


Walk up the drive and explore the Cortijo


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